Over the last four decades implant therapy has become mainstream in most restorative practices.

In the 1980’s implant therapy was a strictly controlled procedure with very predictable results.

In the last 30-40 years implant design, technologies and regenerative techniques have advanced to a point where today cases are being restored the day of surgery. We have pushed the biological envelope to the edge. Today we have a dental marketplace where miraculous treatments are being commercially driven to the consumer population. While much of what is going is successful initially, there is an alarming number of implant cases that are showing advanced bone loss and clinical failure.

Today we are at a point where there is an onslaught of implant cases that have serious survival issues. What has changed in treatment delivery from the 1980’s that explains this? Why is this happening to a treatment modality that was reputed to be invulnerable to failure with industry standards claiming success in the upper nineties percent?

It is time to look back and accept that implant treatment is not invulnerable but rather human and as such susceptible to risk.

This presentation will describe advances in implant technologies and what can be reasonably expected.

The concept of peri-implantitis will be defined.

Moreover, this presentation will discuss patient risk factors and how to prevent implant survival problems. Finally, treatment options for ailing and failing implants will be discussed. The state of the art implant therapy will be illustrated.